Saturday 22 December 2012

Christmas 2012

  Christmas 2012

As Christmas approaches (and now that we know that the world is not going to end on 21st December), my thoughts turn to people in prison. Not just those on Death Row, but all prisoners and I find myself wondering what Christmas means to them. I imagine that a time when most of us are surrounded by family must be a very difficult time for those separated from those they love. Prisoners, as well as the victims families, left to experience Christmas without their loved one. Having lost my brother when he was 19 to suicide, I know how magnified that loss is each year, when I am aware of his absence at the dinner table. This photo is taken from Serenity Memory Tree on Facebook, and I put it here for all those no longer with us, be that though murder, suicide, illness, natural death or by state-sanctioned murder. May they all rest in peace and find comfort in Christ's love.


I am especially sadden by the loss of 27 lives in Newtown, Connecticut on 15th December. With those recent events, the death penalty may be a prickly subject for some. At this stage, it is not known what led this young man to the point in his life whe he carried out these horrific crimes and in this case the young gunman took his own life, leaving no debate about his future. We can only hope that those left behind will find comfort through the love of their friends and families in what will be an unimaginably difficult Christmas for them. I imagine that this Christmas, many around the world will take a minute to remember the 20 little angels and those who died trying to protect them. May they rest in peace and may the Lord give some comfort to those left behind.  


As I make my final preparations for Christmas Day,  I will keep praying for a world of peace and happiness. I hope that the inmates to whom I have written have received my cards and letters and that I have managed to spread a tiny bit of joy this festive season.

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